Sunday, July 16, 2006

Portion 2: Eastward Adventure

Portion one ended as the plane took off from Santander Airport, Spain and lifter off into the air. My first flight in 3 1/2 months, departing from Spain, my grateful host country for almost two months. A tinge of sadness was overwhelmed by the excitement of what was to come - Germany! Eastern Europe! Spain was nothing but a distant memory when the Ryan Air flight touched down into Frankfurt Hahn airport, and officially, Portion 2 was born.

What fantastic people, beautiful memories, and near death experiences will Portion 2: The Eastward Trek bring for the five trippers? Will language barriers become our demise, or will it be our stomachs that let us down first?

Portion 2 ecompasses all of Eastern Europe, until we split off after Greece (me) and Oktoberfest (Everyone else). Ready for adventure? Lets go!

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